hey, you there..
i want to share about something.. about my work life, err well it's not really about what happens in this company, coz actually there's nothing that really important that made me want to share.. hehe.. but this is just about things we've talked in this office..
one day, my work friend, lets called him "steward", asked me about what kind of house that i want when i'm getting married.. and i am like "WHAT? A HOUSE?" hahaha.. sure this thing never came to my mind before.. and when he asked me this question, my computer was on about "HOLIDAY TO NEW YORK".. HAHHAHA forgive me, but yes im soooooooo into holidays! hehe.. and newyork is one of some places that i want to go before i die.. hihi..


HA!! which one do you gonna choose?? haha.. for me it isnt such a great deal, i'll choose to go to new york right away!! hihihi..
and i've got a thoughts about this topic, about "life expectation".. hmmm maybe it's about the ages.. or maybe it's about maturity?? this steward is 29 years old now, and sure i'm still a lil rookie for him.. but yeah, some people in my ages are already think about these things.. am i still childish and not mature enough? or it's just me who loves travelling around the world, and these kind of things are just simple never came to me before.. or elses, am i being in the wrong place which means all of the people around me are still talking about "how to get boys attention" while the others are thinking about "how to achieve and get the job".. and now, i have to face the other side of the world with the people who's already thinking about "having future with someone else", and about "how to get there"..
but sure, dont call me windy if i am not having a good positive thoughts.. really, i will get there.. we will get there.. and i'm sure it wont be too long for me anymore.. even it's still a lil bit scary now, but deep down, i cant wait to share this life with someone.. with the one who loves me the most and made me falling in love with him everyday! :)
your author
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