hey there, 2011..

new year, new resolution, but still the same me here, only this year i'll be getting better. yes, i'll have a better version of me this year! :)
i'm so excited. really. til i dont know where i can share these things with you. hihi..
oke. i sort of like had a new year's eve with him and his family. that's like coincidence. and i dont know why destiny's put us in the situation where everything seems so perfect. but we had nothing anymore. and it's not only happens once. maybe we're not meant to be together. and this is the way to show it all. to me. i was so in love with him. but now i realize that being love isnt enough. it's asking so much more than that to maintain such a relationship. commitment, loyalty, and gratitude. and he doesnt have any of those things. :)
i once asked my self, "why i cant be with the one that i love the most?", and got the answer through my own thought.. "it maybe because i'm belong to someone else". that's it. that's simple.
and now, i'm moving on. i am me. i am windy. and windy is going to wherever it is, as long as it's forward. and now, i left you in 2010. i dont want to get back there. coz it isnt where i belong. i belong here. 2011. and here, i'm so happy. :)
"...until he came along, just like a song, and brighter my day..."i never really know this man so well, but i dont know something's just felt sooooo right. maybe he's just like coming at the perfect time. when i need someone, exactly like him. oh then again, it made me blushed. hihihi.. for some people who knows me so well, they all will agreed that it's uncommon thing. the last time i felt this thing, err it was like 4 years a go. for a man that i've never met til now. and he haunted me for the rest 3 years after. i'm cured now. and now, i guess i'm infected with the same toxic with another man. again. and this time i wont surender. i wont let him down.
i was so stupid and naive back then, i turned the 1st man back then. til now, he kept coming back and forth. on and off. but never really into me anymore. i sucked at being "a girl who loves chasing a man". i'm having a real BIG pride that wont allow me to say sorry for turning him down. but i dont really regret it anyway. hehe. everything are just happened for something good. yes, things are just turned into the right pieces. time will let us know about it. soon.
well, i have to admit that i'm afraid of losing someone again. but how do i know he's going to be the one if i'm not having any guts to try? *bathing eyelashes*
your authour
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